Fig. 1. Observed data, prediction data MAPE value of simulation dataset having 0.05 error
Fig. 2. Observed data, prediction data and sMAPE value of Beijing temperature dataset.
Fig. 3. Beijing temperature dataset. Blue line is used for train dataset and orange line is used for test data set
Fig. 4. ARIMA Prediction of Beijing temperature dataset. Blue is observed and green is prediction
Fig. 5. MAPE and mMAPE evaluation of Beijing temperature dataset ARIMA prediction with scale
Fig. 6. Observed data, prediction data mMAPE value of simulation dataset having 0.05 error
Fig. 7. MAPE, sMAPE and sMAPE evaluation of Beijing temperature dataset ARIMA prediction with scale. Blue is observed, green is prediction, red is MAPE and yellow is mMAPE
Table 1. Beijing temperature data, predict value, MAPE value
Table 2. Beijing temperature data, predict value, sMAPE value
Table 3. Four comparison case of MAPE, sMAPE, mMAPE value
Table 4. Four comparison case of MAPE, sMAPE, mMAPE value
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