A study on the admission support process and educational satisfaction of college students at beauty contract department

미용전공 계약학과 대학생의 입학지원과정과 교육만족도 연구

  • 홍수남 (부천대학교 뷰티케어과)
  • Received : 2018.08.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.20
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study surveyed 255 college students enrolled in beauty contract departments located in Seoul(5 schools) and Gyeonggido(6 schools) to investigate their admission support procedure and educational satisfaction. The study found as follows; Data collection was performed from March 25 to May 30, 2018 using SPSS WIN 21.0 for their statistical processing. With respect to data analysis, first, frequency analysis was conducted to look at the general characteristics of the subjects. Second, the admission support procedure of beauty contract department was investigated and cross analysis was performed to see if there was any change according to the subjects' general characteristics. As a result of looking at the awareness on department, 89% were found to be aware of the contract department system. As for their motivation to applying for the department, the largest reasons were found to obtain a degree and to become a hair designer within a short period of time. The most frequent route of application was a recommendation by their high school teachers. The highest priority consideration in choosing a department was the brand awareness of an associated industrial entity. With respect to the complementation education in curriculum, practical technique related to the major was found the highest. 66.7% said they would recommend the department when it comes to the intention to recommend the department. 24.0% were found satisfied with the education regarding educational satisfaction. Therefore, in order to improve the educational satisfaction of the contract department, it is necessary to acquire knowledge of the field technique and practical salon education.



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