리테일 매장에서 소비자 구매결정에 미치는 사회적 존재의 영향 -쇼핑동반자, 다른 고객, 판매원-

Influence of Social Presence on Consumer Purchase Decision at a Retail Store -Shopping Companions, Other Consumers, and Sales Associates-

  • 투고 : 2018.07.23
  • 심사 : 2018.09.13
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


This study examined: 1) the influence of 3 social presence types including shopping companions, other consumers, and sales associates on the consumer's purchase decision at a retail store; 2) the difference in the influence by shopping situation involving shopping together or shopping alone; and 3) the differences by consumer susceptibility to social influence and self-confidence. The study conducted three experiments with the retail shopping scenario manipulating consumer's positive self-evaluation, but lack of confidence after trying on a clothing product. Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 examined the positive influence of social presence while Experiment 3 examined the negative influence. The results showed that the positive comment of a shopping companion had the highest influence on the purchase decision. Such impact was more observable under the low susceptibility to normative influence. The negative comments of sales associate and shopping companion lowered the purchase decision. There was no difference by shopping situation. The results imply that influences of social presence on the consumer's purchase decision are different by positive or negative comments and such influences are not different by shopping situation.



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