Fig. 1. Flowchart of this study
Fig. 2. Type of river bed of riffles and pools(a) riffle (b) pool
Fig. 3. Survey area location
Fig. 4. Sound measuring device
Fig. 5. Target of measurement(riffles)(a) site 1 (b) site 20
Fig. 6. Target of measurement(pools)(a) site 18 (b) site 23
Fig. 7. Measurement results for riffles(a)site 1 (b)site 4 (c)site 5 (d)site 9 (e)site 10(f)site 11 (g)site 20 (h)site 21
Fig. 8. Frequency compared to maximum soundpressure in riffles(a) sound pressure (b) frequency
Fig. 9. Measurement results for riffles(a) site 2 (b) site 3 (c) site 6 (d) site 7(e) site 8 (f) site 12 (g) site 13 (h) site 14(i) site 15 (j) site 16 (k) site 17 (l) site 18(m) site 19 (n) site 22 (o) site 23
Fig. 10. Frequency compared to maximum soundpressure in pools(a) sound pressure (b) frequency
Fig. 11. Comparison graph of flow velocity and sound pressure
Table 1. Survey area location and flow velocity
Table 2. Sound pressure and flow velocity in riffles
Table 3. Sound pressure and flow velocity in pools
Table 4. Comparison of test results and past results
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