Fig. 1. Filler type mechanical splice mechanism (a) Filler type mechanical splice mechanism (b) Shear resistance
Fig. 2. Specification of Couplers
Fig. 3. Specimen of Couplers
Fig. 4. Epoxy filler
Fig. 5. Rubber Tube
Fig. 6. UTM and Specimen of Mechanical Splice
Fig. 7. Comparison of failure loads
Fig. 8. Failure of filler type mechanical splice (a) Specimen No. 1(C142-1.5-26) (b) Total specimen
Table 1. Type of re-bar splices
Table 2. Re-bar(SD400*) cost for lap splice
Table 3. Re-bar(SD500*) cost for lap splice
Table 4. Re-bar(SD600*) cost for lap splice
Table 5. Specification of couplers
Table 6. Specification of epoxy filler
Table 7. Result of experiments
Table 8. Coupler Length and Expected Compressive Strength of Epoxy
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