Apartment Framework Design using Data

데이터를 활용한 공동주택 프레임워크 디자인

  • Choi, Jang-Soon (School of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering, Kangwon National University)
  • 최장순 (강원대학교 건설융합부 건축학전공)
  • Received : 2018.09.04
  • Accepted : 2018.12.07
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This research explains a new process in architecture frameworks. A complete analysis on implementation of the specific frameworks can be conducted by a special system. Moreover, the system can be installed anywhere, and it produces a unique result, which is customized based on the contents of architectural designs by users. Before using the system, an architect should think about the design and the process of constructing frameworks because a computer sometimes computes misleading results although the architect describes architectural structures, which the designer wants. If the architect inputs the same process into the computer, and the result of frameworks changes, it is not a proper architectural design. Hence, a tool, which precisely treats data, is needed. Therefore, when constructing the proper architecture, a new paradigm of architecture should be used to distinguish the issues of discussion by using various data. Also, based on this information, an apartment housing complex design, related to possible parameters, which can be expressed by combining various fusion tables and geocloud, and architectural designs, is proposed.

본 연구는 새로운 건축 설계 과정을 설명하는데 있어 특정한 시스템을 이용해서 건축 프레임워크에 대한 수행을 분석하는 것이 가능하다. 또한, 이러한 시스템은 컴퓨터가 설치되어있고 인터넷망이 구축되어 있으면 장소에 구애받지 않은 채로 가동이 가능하며, 사용자가 컴퓨터에 입력한 내용을 기반으로 한 독특한 프레임워크 결과물을 산출해 낼 수 있다. 이러한 시스템을 사용하기 전에, 건축가가 설계를 제대로 했을지라도, 컴퓨터가 잘못 인식할 수도 있으므로 건축 설계자는 원하는 결과를 얻을 수 있도록 사전에 건축 디자인과 설계 과정을 생각해야 한다. 그런데 같은 과정을 입력했는데도 불구하고 건축 계획의 프레임워크 결과가 달라진다면, 그것은 제대로 된 건축 설계라고 볼 수 없다. 그러므로 정확하게 데이터 처리를 할 수 있는 도구가 건축 디자인과 설계를 함에 있어서 필요하다. 따라서 건축을 설계할 때, 건축의 새로운 패러다임으로 각종 데이터를 활용하여 논의의 사안을 찾아 구별해야 한다. 또한 이것을 바탕으로 다양한 정보융합과 공간클라우드를 접목하여 나타낼 수 있는 파라미터정보와 건축디자인을 연관시킨 공동주택계획안을 제시하였다.


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Fig. 1. Graphic showing how much data is accumulated and used through major portal site.

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Fig. 2. Flow diagram of generating a subjectively translated form by the past architect

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Fig. 3. Flow diagram of generating a objectively translated form by the current architect

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Fig. 4. Data Source of economically active population survey[4]

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Fig. 5. Data element of the family size[4]

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Fig. 6. Data element of aging population[4]

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Fig. 7. Example of geocloud[9]

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Fig. 8. All cars have a basic frameworks such as frame, engine, power train, steering, wheel & brake and suspension.

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Fig. 9. The general framework can be applied to a site to formulate an architectural design based on its users and context

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Fig. 10. Site location data

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Fig. 11. The early floor plan module process for the framework

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Fig. 12. The early floor plan for the framework

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Fig. 13. The early elevation plan for the framework

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Fig. 14. The final floor plans & block types

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Fig. 15. The final layout

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Fig. 16. The final section

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Fig. 17. The final elevation

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Fig. 18. The final bird’s eye view

Table 1. The relation of contextual data, demographics, and user input

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