Figure 1. Chemical structures of 18F-labeled α-, β- and ω-FHA
Figure 2. Synthesis of 18F-labeling precursors
Figure 3. 18F-labeling
Figure 4. Purification of α- and ω-[18F]FHA
Figure 5. TLC chromatogram of α- and ω-[18F]FHA
Figure 6. Elimination reaction in the synthesis of β-[18F]FHA and the molecular ion peak of elimination product from mass spectrometer data
Figure 7. Biodistribution of α- and ω-[18F]FHA
Figure 8. PET images of α- and ω-[18F]FHA in dogs. (A) Short axis static view at 3 min of α-[18F]FHA (B) Short axis static view at 3 min of ω-[18F]FHA
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