먹는샘물과 병입수로 이용되는 천연 광천수의 국내외 관리와 연구 동향 분석

Recent Trends of Domestic and International Management and Research of Natural Mineral Water Used for Bottled Water

  • 고동찬 (한국지질자원연구원 지하수연구센터) ;
  • 고경석 (한국지질자원연구원 지하수연구센터)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.08
  • 심사 : 2018.12.15
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


In recent years, the sales of bottled spring water (BSW) have been drastically increasing in Korea and other countries, which accompanied great interests in conservation and reclamation of natural mineral water (NMW). In this study, management and research activities on NMW in Europe, USA, and Codex Alimentarius were reviewed. In each region, NMW is regulated with its own quality standards that differ from ordinary drinking water, and management actions are strictly implemented to protect water resources and to secure quality of NMW. Many studies on NMW were carried out for monitoring inorganic constituents including major and trace elements in national levels for bottled NMW, groundwater, and tap water in other countries. In Korea, NMW became commercialized in 1995 when BSW was legally approved as a drinking water. To further promote utilization of various types of NMW in Korea, regulations and policies for NMW need to be revised in accordance with international NMW management trends. Further, studies of NMW that compile a comprehensive set of physical and chemical parameters of NMW are also needed to properly understand occurrences, hydrogeological and geochemical processes of NMW, as well as to evaluate its potential use as a natural resource.


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Fig. 1. Growth of bottled spring water (BSW) and sparkling water market in Korea. Data from MOE (1996 to 2014) and Korea Natural Mineral Water Association for BMW and from MOFDS (2009 to 2017) for sparkling water.

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Fig. 2. Per capita consumption of bottled water by countries with highest consumption rate (

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Fig. 3. Number of domestic trade names of natural mineral water on the market in Europe as of 2017.

Table 1. Microbiological standards or criteria for natural mineral water

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Table 2. Indications and criteria in EU directive for the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters (2009/54/EC)

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Table 3. Regulatory water quality standards of inorganic constituents established by EU directives and USA for drinking water and mineral water, Codex Alimentarius for natural mineral water, and Korea for drinking mineral water

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Table 4. Minimum contents required to be classified as mineral water and medicinal water (modified from Zaepke, 2003)

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Table 5. Major and trace elements considered in national-level investigations of mineral water in EU countries

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Table 6. Selected Korean drinking water standards of various types of water including natural mineral water as of Oct 31, 2016

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