A New Technique for Localization Using the Nearest Anchor-Centroid Pair Based on LQI Sphere in WSN

  • Subedi, Sagun (Department of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Lee, Sangil (Department of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.08.08
  • 심사 : 2017.12.28
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


It is important to find the random estimation points in wireless sensor network. A link quality indicator (LQI) is part of a network management service that is suitable for a ZigBee network and can be used for localization. The current quality of the received signal is referred as LQI. It is a technique to demodulate the received signal by accumulating the magnitude of the error between ideal constellations and the received signal. This proposed model accepts any number of random estimation point in the network and calculated its nearest anchor centroid node pair. Coordinates of the LQI sphere are calculated from the pair and are added iteratively to the initially estimated point. With the help of the LQI and weighted centroid localization, the proposed system finds the position of target node more accurately than the existing system by solving the problems related to higher error in terms of the distance and the deployment of nodes.


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Fig. 1. Selection of the anchor-centroid pair.

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Fig. 2. Division of the LQI sphere by taking each axis’s positive and

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Fig. 3. Position of different kind of nodes.

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Fig. 4. Error distance ratio.

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Fig. 5. Improvement in error distance over the existing system.

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Fig. 6. Modified error in terms of distance.

Table 1. Distances of two nodes according to the LQI value

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