Fig. 1. Annual Number of Hairpiece-related Patents Applied For
Fig. 2. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 3. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Artificial Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 4. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Human Hair Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 5. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Full Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 6. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Partial Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 7. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Functional Hairpiece Technology
Fig. 8. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Hair Extension-manufacturing Technology
Fig. 9. Major Patent Applicants in the Field of Hair Extension-attaching Technology
Fig. 10. Patent Trends by the Field of Major Applicants(Top 6)’ Hairpiece-related Technologies
Fig. 11. Percentage of Patent Applications by the Field of All Applicants’ Hairpiece-related Technologies
Table 1. Technical classification
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