Fig. 1. 4-week score change by week for top 10 interest keywords
Fig. 2. Last week score change by day for top 10 interest keywords
Fig. 3. Last day score change by hour for top 10 interest keywords
Fig. 4. 4-week score change by week for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 5. Last week score change by day for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 6. Last day score change by hour for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 7. 4-week change rate per week for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 8. Average change rate per week for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 9. Last week change rate per day for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 10. Average change rate per day for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 11. Last day change rate per hour for top 10 continuity keywords
Fig. 12. Average change rate per hour for top 10 continuity keywords
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