Simple image artifact removal technique for more accurate iris diagnosis

  • 투고 : 2018.10.22
  • 심사 : 2018.11.10
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Iris diagnosis based on the color and texture information is one of a novel approach which can represent the current state of a certain organ inside body or the health condition of a person. In analysis of the iris images, there are critical image artifacts which can prevent of use interpretation of the iris textures on images. Here, we developed the iris diagnosis system based on a hand-held typed imaging probe which consists of a single camera sensor module with 8M pixels, two pairs of 400~700 nm LED, and a guide beam. Two original images with different light noise pattern were successively acquired in turns, and the light noise-free image was finally reconstructed and demonstrated by the proposed artifact removal approach.


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Figure 1. Image artifact induced by an optical source of a system

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Figure 2. Developed iris imaging system (left), imaging probe configuration (right)

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Figure 3. Schematic of the iris system with the artifact removal

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Figure 4. Image processing algorithm for artifact-free final images

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Figure 5. Acquired original image with a light noise (a), image with a gray scale (b), image with a gray scale and pre-masking processing (c), reconstructed artifact-free final image (d)


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