An extended Access Control with Uncertain Context

  • Kang, Woojun (Dept. of Business Administration, KC University)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.23
  • 심사 : 2018.10.08
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


While new information technology advances have made information access and acquisition methods much more diverse and easier, there are side effects that allow illegal access using diverse and high-performance tools. In order to cope with such threats, there are access control methods in database technology, and various studies are being conducted to extend traditional access control to cope with new computing environments. In this paper, we propose an extended access control with uncertain context-awareness. It enables appropriate security policy enforcement even if the contextual constraints specified by the security policy does not match those accompanied by access request query. We extract semantic implications from context tree, and define the argument that can quantitatively measure the semantic difference between two nodes in the context tree. It is used to semantically enforce the security policy, and to prevent the excessive authorization caused by the implication.


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Figure 1. Hospital Ontology

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Figure 2. Context Hierarchy Tree

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Figure 3. Context Hierarchy Tree with Instance

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Figure 4. Algorithm for generation of LDSC

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Figure 5. Algorithm SCCE for Evaluation of Semantic Context Constraints

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Figure 6. Algorithm for Semantic Enforcement of Access Control Policy

Table1. Inference Rule extracted from Ontology

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