A Study on Scientific Concepts and Teaching and Learning Methods in the Activities of the Nuri Curriculum Teacher Guidebooks for Ages 3-5 in Accordance with Themes

생활주제를 중심으로 본 3-5세 연령별 누리과정 교사용지도서 활동의 과학개념 및 교수학습방법 분석

  • Choi, Hye Yoon (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Songwon University)
  • 최혜윤 (송원대학교 유아교육과)
  • Received : 2018.10.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.10
  • Published : 2018.12.30


Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the science concepts and teaching and learning methods presented in the science education-related activities of the Nuri Curriculum teacher guidebooks for ages 3-5. Methods: The research data included 772 activities related to science education in the teachers' guidebook. The analysis of science concepts was based on physical science (force and motion, physical structure, electricity and magnetism, light and shadow, sound properties), chemistry (material properties, material reaction), life science (organizational structure, growth and change, heredity and evolution, animal plant and human relationships), earth science (earth system interaction, earth system structure, and universe), engineering (designed world, engineering design, engineering, technology and society) and ecology (environment preservation). Teaching and learning methods were analyzed according to the types of small and large group activities and of free play activities. Results: Science concepts were mainly presented in the fields of engineering, chemistry, and life science commonly among children aged 3-5, whereas the concepts of physical science were lowly presented in all ages. Science concepts appeared mainly in the daily subjects of 'animal plant and nature', 'life tools', 'environment and life', and 'spring, summer, autumn and winter'. As the teaching and learning method, free paly activities (science area, free outdoor selection activity, math and manipulative activity) were mostly used for the ages of 3 and 4, and small and large group activities (cooking, story sharing, music activity) were for the age of 5. Conclusion/Implications: It is necessary to select the level of science area and concept that can be taught according to the age of children and the timing of the teaching.

본 연구의 목적은 연령별 누리과정 교사용지도서의 과학교육관련 활동에서 제시하고 있는 과학개념 및 교수학습방법을 분석하는 것이다. 연구자료는 교사용지도서의 과학교육관련 활동 772개이며, 과학개념은 물리과학(힘과 운동, 물리적구조, 전기와 자기, 빛과 그림자, 소리의 성질), 화학(물질의 특성, 물질의 반응), 생명과학(조직적 구조, 성장과 변화, 유전과 진화, 동식물과 인간의 관계), 지구과학(지구시스템의 상호작용, 지구시스템의 구조, 우주), 공학(설계된 세상, 공학 설계, 공학 및 기술과 사회), 생태학(환경보존) 영역에서 제시하는 개념을 토대로 분석하였다. 교수학습방법은 대소집단활동 유형, 자유선택활동 유형별로 분석하였다. 과학개념은 3-5세 공통으로 공학, 화학, 생명과학 영역이 주로 제시되고 있었으며, 물리과학은 전 연령에서 낮은 분포로 제시되고 있었다. 과학개념은 주로 '동식물과 자연', '생활도구', '환경과 생활', '봄 여름 가을 겨울'의 생활주제에서 많이 나타났다. 교수학습방법은 3세, 4세는 자유선택활동(과학영역, 실외자유선택활동, 미술영역, 수조작영역 중심), 5세는 대소집단활동(요리, 이야기나누기, 음악활동)이 많이 사용되는 것으로 나타났다.



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