해양전략 이론 형성에 영향을 준 지상전략 이론

Continental Strategy Theories that Influenced Maritime Strategy Theories

  • 박주미 (국방정신전력원 정훈학처)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.30
  • 심사 : 2018.05.23
  • 발행 : 2018.06.01


The purpose of this study is to find out a significant influence of continental strategy theories on the development of maritime strategy theories. For this purpose, I examined similar and different parts of each theories and their implications when applied to different environment. In details, Chapter 2 deals with how continental strategy and maritime strategy theories are similar and different in general. In Chapter 3, I look into how Karl Clausewitz's theory that has been quoted the most by military strategy theorists had influenced over the theory of Julian Corbett, one of the representative English maritime strategy theorists. In Chapter 4, I study how the theory of Alfred Mahan that has also been quoted the most among the theories of maritime strategy had been influenced by Antoine-Henri Jomini's theory. And in Chapter 5, their contemporary implications and conclusions are drawn. According to my findings, unbelievably, the theories of maritime strategy had been influenced by existing continental strategy theories very much. Many similarities are found between them. However, at the same time, a large part of them is found significantly different from original ones especially when used to reflect the maritime distinctiveness. This means that the past maritime strategy theories and stored experience also wield influence, in many ways, yielding out much better ones in terms of applicability to changing environment. Therefore, devising new strategies with creative attitude using knowledges and experiences from both other fields and past ones is the virtue required for maritime strategists.



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