초·중등학생을 위한 디자인적 사고기반의 STEAM교육 프로그램의 효과

Effect of Design Thinking-based STEAM Program for Primary and Secondary Students

  • 김세미 (카이스트 융합교육연구센터) ;
  • 김정겸 (충남대학교 교육학과) ;
  • 김성호 (카이스트 융합교육연구센터) ;
  • 맹준희 (카이스트 융합교육연구센터)
  • Kim, Se Mi (Convergence Research Center for Education&Technology, KAIST) ;
  • Kim, Jeong Kyoum (Department. of Education, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Sung Ho (Convergence Research Center for Education&Technology, KAIST) ;
  • Maeng, Joon Hee (Convergence Research Center for Education&Technology, KAIST)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.14
  • 심사 : 2018.03.23
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


This study aims to investigate the effect of design thinking-based STEAM program for primary and secondary students. The design thinking-based STEAM program dealt with advanced scientific technology issues and it consisted of 8 topics. A questionnaire was developed to explore the change of Science concept awareness, Interest, Self-efficacy, Career consciousness of students through the program. The questionnaire consisted of following 4 areas, such as 'Science concept awareness', 'Interest', 'Career consciousness' and 'Self efficacy'. Pre-post test was conducted to 75 primary and secondary students. As a result of analyzing post-test compared to pre-test, 'Science concept awareness', 'Career consciousness' and 'Self efficacy' of students were improved. And the 'Interest' wasn't changed significantly. Through this research, it can be suggested that the design thinking-based STEAM program can be useful at school education to improve the Science concept awareness, Career consciousness and Self-efficacy of primary and secondary students. It is also proposed that further research of the various areas of interest and other affective variables will be needed.



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