A Parameter Selection Method for Multi-Element Resonant Converters with a Resonant Zero Point

  • Wang, Yifeng (Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin University) ;
  • Yang, Liang (Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin University) ;
  • Li, Guodong (State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company) ;
  • Tu, Shijie (Repair Branch, State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company)
  • Received : 2017.05.27
  • Accepted : 2017.10.15
  • Published : 2018.03.20


This paper proposes a parameter design method for multi-element resonant converters (MERCs) with a unique resonant zero point (RZP). This method is mainly composed of four steps. These steps include program filtration, loss comparison, 3D figure fine-tuning and priority compromise. It features easy implementation, effectiveness and universal applicability for almost all of the existing RZP-MERCs. Meanwhile, other design methods are always exclusive for a specific topology. In addition, a novel dual-CTL converter is also proposed here. It belongs to the RZP-MERC family and is designed in detail to explain the process of parameter selection. The performance of the proposed method is verified experimentally on a 500W prototype. The obtained results indicate that with the selected parameters, an extensive dc voltage gain is obtained. It also possesses over-current protection and minimal switching loss. The designed converter achieves high efficiencies among wide load ranges, and the peak efficiency reaches 96.9%.


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Fig. 1. Two main RZP structures. (a) Parallel type. (b) Series type.

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Fig. 2. RZP-MERC topologies: (a) topology 1; (b) topology 2.

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Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed parameter design method.

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Fig. 4. Topology of the proposed CLTCL converter.

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Fig. 5. Equivalent FHA circuit.

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Fig. 6. Voltage gain curves at different loads.

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Fig. 7. Flow chart of MATLAB.

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Fig. 8. RZP positions for different values of C2: (a) C2 = 4.5nF;(b) C2 = 3nF).

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Fig. 9. Relations of φin and the resonant parameters. (a) φin versus L1 and L2 at different values of C1. (b) φin versus C1 and L2 at differentvalues of L1.

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Fig. 10. Relationships of Mgain and the resonant parameters. (a) L2 = 130μH. (b) L2 = 140μH. (c) L2 = 150μH.

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Fig. 11. Relationships of VC1 and the resonant parameters. (a) L2 = 130μH. (b) L2 = 140μH. (c) L2 = 150μH.

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Fig. 12. Relationships of VC2 and the resonant parameters. (a) L2 = 130μH. (b) L2 = 140μH. (c) L2 = 150μH.

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Fig. 13. Waveforms at the rating condition: (a) voltages andcurrents of S1 and SR1; (b) voltages of C1 and C2.

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Fig. 14. Waveforms at different operating frequencies: (a) fs =110kHz; (b) fs = 140kHz; (c) fs ? f0 = 183kHz.

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Fig. 15. Comparison of Mgain curves.

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Fig. 16. Efficiency curves with different output voltages.


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