Drivers of Intermediaries' Performance in Multisided Export Markets: Conceptualization and Propositional Development

  • 투고 : 2018.01.30
  • 심사 : 2018.02.21
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


Export Intermediaries engage in an exporter's side transaction with an importer's side, both of which are customers of these intermediaries. Therefore, dyadic perspectives implied in conventional theories of customer orientation should be revised to apply to a triadic relationship systemin indirect export settings. The present manuscript proposed that customer orientation of export intermediaries consists of total customer orientation toward both the exporter and importer sides and customer orientation asymmetry, which is customer orientation in favor of the exporter relative to the importer side, and examines the antecedents and outcomes of these orientations. It is posited that each side attention increases total customer orientation and customer orientation asymmetry toward exporters or importers. These positive effects would be weaker when importers and exporters interact directly versus indirectly and would be stronger when the offering prices vary versus remain stable during negotiations. Lastly, total customer orientation would increase export intermediaries' performance by itself and in interaction with customer attention. Nonetheless, orientation asymmetry would increase their outcomes in line with customer attention.



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