A Study on the Methods for the Prevention of Fraud in Korean Export Insurance in the Context of Export Credit Guarantee Schemes under O/A Negotiation

수출보험사기 방지를 위한 우리나라 수출신용보증제도 개선방안: O/A 매입방식을 중심으로

  • 박승락 (청주대학교 경상대학 무역학과)
  • Received : 2018.01.31
  • Accepted : 2018.02.21
  • Published : 2018.02.28


This study explores how to prevent the fraudulent export financing and its subsequent export insurance fraud in relation to O/A negotiation. Under the traditional letter of credit(L/C) transactions, the banks, as a negotiation bank, can extend trade financing to the exporters through negotiation of draft and/or shipping documents. Under the O/A transaction scheme, however, bank cannot ascertain existence of trade performance and it is much riskier to extend an advance financing to the exporters before the buyer sends confirmation of debt. In O/A negotiation. some exporters tried to fraud banks by falsifying the shipping documents and the size and gravity of this fraudulent export financing were huge. Therefore, this study examines the banking process in O/A-based trade financing, documents examination process, the negotiation of instruments, treatment of trade financing in export credit guarantee, most importantly, explores what could be the criteria for appropriate treatment of account receivable to insure the safe transfer of account receivable. To maximize the benefit for optimum trade financing, the Bank of Korea established several Trade Finance Rules (refers to "BOK Rules") requiring that commercial banks should maintain optimal credit limits(so called, 'the principle of optimal loan') to extend the trade finance. The K-sure post-shipment credit guarantee programs and short-term export insurance program(EFF)can also facilitate 'the principle of optimal loan' principle.



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