베어왈트에 의한 헝가리 데브레첸 핀슬러 기하학파의 형성의 역사

On the history of the establishment of the Hungarian Debrecen School of Finsler geometry after L. Berwald

  • 투고 : 2018.01.23
  • 심사 : 2018.02.22
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


In this paper, our main concern is the historical development of the Finsler geometry in Debrecen, Hungary initiated by L. Berwald. First we look into the research trend in Berwald's days affected by the $G{\ddot{o}}ttingen$ mathematicians from C. Gauss and downward. Then we study how he was motivated to concentrate on the then completely new research area, Finsler geometry. Finally we examine the course of establishing Hungarian Debrecen school of Finsler geometry via the scholars including O. Varga, A. $Rapcs{\acute{a}}k$, L. $Tam{\acute{a}}ssy$ all deeply affected by Berwald after his settlement in Debrecen, Hungary.



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