Schedule communication routing approach to maximize energy efficiency in wireless body sensor networks

  • Kaebeh, Yaeghoobi S.B. (Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Manav Rachna International University) ;
  • Soni, M.K. (Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Manav Rachna International University) ;
  • Tyagi, S.S. (Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Manav Rachna International University)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.03
  • 심사 : 2018.01.18
  • 발행 : 2018.02.25


E-Health allows you to supersede the central patient wireless healthcare system. Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) is the first phase of the e-Health system. In this paper, we aim to understand e-Health architecture and configuration, and attempt to minimize energy consumption and latency in transmission routing protocols during restrictive latency in data delivery of WBSN phase. The goal is to concentrate on polling protocol to improve and optimize the routing time interval and schedule communication to reduce energy utilization. In this research, two types of network models routing protocols are proposed - elemental and clustering. The elemental model improves efficiency by using a polling protocol, and the clustering model is the extension of the elemental model that Destruct Supervised Decision Tree (DSDT) algorithm has been proposed to solve the time interval conflict transmission. The simulation study verifies that the proposed models deliver better performance than the existing BSN protocol for WBSN.



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