Active Distribution Network Expansion Planning Considering Distributed Generation Integration and Network Reconfiguration

  • Xing, Haijun (School of Electric Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power) ;
  • Hong, Shaoyun (Electric Power Economic Research Institute of State Grid Jiangxi Electric power Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Sun, Xin (School of Electric Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power)
  • 투고 : 2017.05.17
  • 심사 : 2018.01.04
  • 발행 : 2018.03.01


This paper proposes the method of active distribution network expansion planning considering distributed generation integration and distribution network reconfiguration. The distribution network reconfiguration is taken as the expansion planning alternative with zero investment cost of the branches. During the process of the reconfiguration in expansion planning, all the branches are taken as the alternative branches. The objective is to minimize the total costs of the distribution network in the planning period. The expansion alternatives such as active management, new lines, new substations, substation expansion and Distributed Generation (DG) installation are considered. Distribution network reconfiguration is a complex mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem, with integration of DGs and active managements, the active distribution network expansion planning considering distribution network reconfiguration becomes much more complex. This paper converts the dual-level expansion model to Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP) model, which can be solved with commercial solver GUROBI. The proposed model and method are tested on the modified IEEE 33-bus system and Portugal 54-bus system.



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