Researcher and Research Area Recommendation System for Promoting Convergence Research Using Text Mining and Messenger UI

텍스트 마이닝 방법론과 메신저UI를 활용한 융합연구 촉진을 위한 연구자 및 연구 분야 추천 시스템의 제안

  • 양낙영 (아주대학교 e-비즈니스학과) ;
  • 김성근 (아주대학교 연구팀) ;
  • 강주영 (아주대학교 e-비즈니스학과)
  • Received : 2018.11.28
  • Accepted : 2018.12.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


Purpose Recently, social interest in the convergence research is at its peak. However, contrary to the keen interest in convergence research, an infrastructure that makes it easier to recruit researchers from other fields is not yet well established, which is why researchers are having considerable difficulty in carrying out real convergence research. In this study, we implemented a researcher recommendation system that helps researchers who want to collaborate easily recruit researchers from other fields, and we expect it to serve as a springboard for growth in the convergence research field. Design/methodology/approach In this study, we implemented a system that recommends proper researchers when users enter keyword in the field of research that they want to collaborate using word embedding techniques, word2vec. In addition, we also implemented function of keyword suggestions by using keywords drawn from LDA Topicmodeling Algorithm. Finally, the UI of the researcher recommendation system was completed by utilizing the collaborative messenger Slack to facilitate immediate exchange of information with the recommended researchers and to accommodate various applications for collaboration. Findings In this study, we validated the completed researcher recommendation system by ensuring that the list of researchers recommended by entering a specific keyword is accurate and that words learned as a similar word with a particular researcher match the researcher's field of research. The results showed 85.89% accuracy in the former, and in the latter case, mostly, the words drawn as similar words were found to match the researcher's field of research, leading to excellent performance of the researcher recommendation system.


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<그림 1> 워드투벡을 활용한 연구자 추천 시스템의 연구 모델

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<그림 2> 워드투벡의 학습 결과 예시

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<그림 3> 분야별 연구자 비율

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<그림 4> 연구자 추천시스템 프로토타입

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<그림 5> 연구자 추천 시스템 구성

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<그림 6> 코사인 유사도의 계산 식

<표 1> LDA 토픽모델링 결과

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<표 2> 키워드 별 연구자 추천 정확도 예시

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<표 3> 연구자와 연관성이 높은 단어들 및 실제 연구 분야

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