Fig. 1. Visual QA - Standard(A) vs Relational Reasoning(B)
Fig. 2. Visual QA Requiring Relational Reasoning
Fig. 3. Visual QA Architecture with RN (Adam Santoro et al., 2017, Figure 2)
Fig. 4. Text-based QA Architecture with RN
Fig. 5. Our RN-based Visual QA Model Architecture
Fig. 6. Neural Network with Batch Normalization
Fig. 7. Relational Question (A) and Non-relational Question (B) Generated on Our Model
Fig. 8. Our RN-based Model on Visual QA Task
Fig. 9. Accuracy of Each Model with Different Hyper Parameters
Fig. 10. Loss of Each Model with Different Hyper Parameters
Fig. 11. Accuracy of Each Model with Different Learning Rate Set by Random Search Method
Fig. 12. Loss of Each Model with Different Learning Rate Set by Random Search Method
Table 1. Performance Comparison Between RN and Baseline on our Visual QA Task
Table 2. Improved Performance by Hyper Parameters Tuning
Table 3. Comparison of Results on bAbI QA Task Using Different Learning Rate Set by Random Search Method
Table 4. Comparison of Results on Dialog-based LL QA Task Using Different Learning Rate Set by Random Search Method
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