산모가 인지한 분만간호의 질 측정도구 개발

Development of an Instrument to Assess the Quality of Childbirth Care from the Mother's Perspective

  • 투고 : 2017.08.24
  • 심사 : 2018.01.14
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


Purpose: This study aimed to develop an instrument to assess the quality of childbirth care from the perspective of a mother after delivery. Methods: The instrument was developed from a literature review, interviews, and item validation. Thirty-eight items were compiled for the instrument. The data for validity and reliability testing were collected using a questionnaire survey conducted on 270 women who had undergone normal vaginal delivery in Korea and analyzed with descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability coefficients. Results: The exploratory factor analysis reduced the number of items in the instrument to 28 items that were factored into four subscales: family-centered care, personal care, emotional empowerment, and information provision. With respect to convergence validation, there was positive correlation between this instrument and birth satisfaction scale (r=.34, p<.001). The internal consistency reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha =.96). Conclusion: This instrument could be used as a measure of the quality of nursing care for women who have a normal vaginal delivery.



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