양송이버섯 재배사에서 Steinernema carpocapsae를 이용한 긴수염버섯파리 생물적 방제

Biological Control of the Sciarid Fly, Lycoriella mali (Diptera: Sciaridae) Using Steinernema carpocapsae in a Button Mushroom Cultivation House

  • 최용석 (충남농업기술원 친환경농업과) ;
  • 서화영 (충남농업기술원 친환경농업과) ;
  • 황인수 (충남농업기술원 친환경농업과) ;
  • 이대홍 (경농 중앙연구소)
  • Choi, Yong-Seok (Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Seo, Hwa-Young (Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Whang, In-Su (Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Lee, Dae-Hong (Central Research Institute, Kyung Nong Corporation)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.01
  • 심사 : 2018.11.22
  • 발행 : 2018.12.01


양송이 버섯재배 시 발생하는 긴수염버섯파리(Lycoriella mali)의 효과적인 생물학적 방제를 위하여 곤충병원성 선충인 Steinernema carpocapsae를 이용하였다. 국내에 유통되고 있는 두 제품의 농도는 각각 $m^2$$6{\times}10^4$$2.5{\times}10^5$이었다. 양송이 버섯시설 내 버섯배지와 상토에서의 긴수염버섯파리 유충 밀도를 조사한 결과 각각 $30cm^2$ 내 평균 마리 수는 0.8마리와 22.2마리로 상토에서 주로 서식하였다. S. carpocapsae 1회 처리 후 방제효과는 처리 14일 후에 가장 높았다. S. carpocapsae $6{\times}10^4$ 농도 제품의 2회 처리에 따른 긴수염버섯파리 방제효과는 51.9%였으며 $2.5{\times}10^5$ 농도 제품의 2회 처리 후 방제효과는 96.8%로서 $2.5{\times}10^5$ 농도가 $6{\times}10^4$ 농도 보다 방제효과가 우수하였다. 살충제인 diflubenzuron 수화제의 방제효과는 50% 이하로 낮은 수준이었다.

We used the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, for the effective biological control of Lycoriella mali during Agaricus bisporus cultivation. The concentrations of two S. carpocapsae products distributed in Korea were $6{\times}10^4$ and $2.5{\times}10^5m^{-2}$ respectively. As a result of investigating the density of A. bisporus larvae in a rice straw medium and soil in an A. bisporus cultivation house, the mean numbers per $30cm^2$ were 0.8 and 22.2, respectively, and A. bisporus larvae were detected mainly in the soil. The control effects after once spraying S. carpocapsae at $6{\times}10^4$ and $2.5{\times}10^5m^{-2}$ was higher at the 14th day than at the 7th day. Therefore, we investigated the control effect after twice spraying of $6{\times}10^4$ and $2.5{\times}10^5m^{-2}$ at the 14th day. The control effects after this spraying were 51.9% and 96.8%, respectively, and the control effect of spraying at $2.5{\times}10^5m^{-2}$ was better than at $6{\times}10^4m^{-2}$. The control effect of diflubenzuron WP was lower than 50%.


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Fig. 1. Average density of Lycoriella mali larvae in the rice straw medium and soil in the button mushroom cultivation house (T-test, P < 0.001).

Table 1. Control effects of two formulations of Steinernema carpocapsae to Lycoriella mali larvae on the 7th day after once spraying in the button mushroom cultivation house

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Table 2. Control effects of two formulations of Steinernema carpocapsae to Lycoriella mali larvae on the 14th day after once spraying in the button mushroom cultivation house

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Table 3. Control effects of two formulations of Steinernema carpocapsae to Lycoriella mali larvae on the 14th day after twice spraying every two days in the button mushroom cultivation house

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