Classification of cold regions and analysis of the freeze-thaw repetition cycle based on heat transfer quantity by freezing test

실내동결시험을 통한 열류량 분석에 따른 동결-융해 조건 분석 및 한랭지역의 분류

  • An, Jai-Wook (Research Institute for Infrastructure Performance, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation) ;
  • Seo, Jeong-Eun (Research Institute for Infrastructure Performance, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation) ;
  • Jung, Min-Hyung (Research Institute for Infrastructure Performance, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation) ;
  • Seong, Joo-Hyun (Research Institute for Infrastructure Performance, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation)
  • 안재욱 (한국시설안전공단 시설성능연구소) ;
  • 서정은 (한국시설안전공단 시설성능연구소) ;
  • 정민형 (한국시설안전공단 시설성능연구소) ;
  • 성주현 (한국시설안전공단 시설성능연구소)
  • Received : 2018.08.14
  • Accepted : 2018.09.28
  • Published : 2018.11.30


Tunnels constructed in cold regions can cause serious defects such as cracks and leaks due to external temperature changes in the portals and vents. In order to prevent the freezing damage of the tunnel, appropriate measures should be applied to the section where the freeze damage is concerned. However, the specific criteria and contents for judging whether or not the anti-freeze measures are applied are not presented. In this study, the laboratory freezing tests on the temperature changes of the concrete specimens under freezing conditions were carried out. And the freeze-thaw repetition cycle (F), which can judge the possibility of freezing damage, were presented based on the heat transfer quantity (W) by experimental results of case studies. Also, we propose a classification of cold regions considering the climatic characteristics of Korea for using it to efficient design and maintenance.

한랭지역에 건설된 터널은 내 외부의 온도변화에 의해 갱구부 또는 환기구와 같이 특정한 구간에서 외부 온도변화의 영향으로 균열, 누수 등을 비롯한 심각한 결함이 발생할 수 있다. 이러한 동결-융해로 인한 터널의 결함을 방지하기 위해서는 동결 피해가 우려되는 구간에 대해서 적절한 동결 피해 방지 대책을 적용하여야 하지만 동결-융해 조건을 판단하는 구체적인 기준은 제시되어 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 국내 터널의 정밀안전진단 결과를 통해 강원지역의 동결피해 현황을 분석하였으며 향후 한랭지역 터널의 동결피해 저감을 위한 설계 및 유지관리에 활용할 수 있도록 동결-융해 반복일수(F) 조건에 따른 국내 동결피해 가능지역을 분류하고자 한다. 따라서 한랭지역 터널의 동결피해 사례분석과 국내 외 동해환경 평가기준을 바탕으로 콘크리트 시험체의 온도변화에 대한 실내실험을 실시하였으며 실험적 검토결과를 기반으로 시간 및 온도변화에 따른 열류량(W) 분석을 실시하였다. 최종적으로 열류량(W) 분석결과와 국내의 기후특성을 고려하여 동결-융해 반복일(F)에 대한 조건을 제안하였으며, 동절기 동결피해에 대비하여 효율적인 설계 및 유지관리에 활용할 수 있도록 국내 한랭지역을 분류하였다.


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Fig. 1. Amount of leakages in 2012 compared to 2007 for sample tunnel

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Fig. 2. Defect point by span of road tunnel in Gang-won area

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Fig. 3. Concrete lining test specimen

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Fig. 4. Temperature change of concrete lining specimen No. 1, 2

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Fig. 5. Example of temperature distribution in winter season (2012~2013)

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Fig. 6. Cold region classification

Table 1. Criteria for durability of concrete structures (Concrete Structural Criteria, 2012)

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Table 2. Durability evaluation by relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (KS F 2456)

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Table 3. Evaluation criteria for freeze/thaw

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Table 4. Mix proportion of concrete

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Table 5. Time (min) to reach freezing temperature of concrete lining specimen No. 1, 2

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Table 6. Heat transfer quantity analysis

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Table 7. Results of tunnel lining temperature change by duration due to ambient air temperature

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Table 8. Freeze/thaw repetition cycle (F) by area

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