해수(咳嗽)에 활용된 식치방(食治方)에 대한 문헌적 연구(硏究)

Review on Literature Dealing with Food Cure for Cough

  • 홍진임 (대전대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Hong, Jin-im (Dept. of Medicine Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Deajeon University)
  • 투고 : 2018.01.23
  • 심사 : 2018.01.29
  • 발행 : 2018.02.25


Objectives : This study first acknowledges that cough, which is a light symptom, can act as a link that leads to more serious disease. With this acknowledgement, the study ponders upon how the people of the past, before the introduction of western medicine, attempted to cure the first sign of cough and how to stop it from developing. Methods : China's Eumsunjungyo and Sikgamboncho, and Chosun's Singnyochanyo and Donguibogam are used mainly to analyze the food cure that were used in relation to sea water, and to discover what types of ingredients and preparation forms were used, how they were taken, what types of food cure there were, and how they were used. Results : There was no ingredient used commonly in all of the four literatures. Eumsunjungyo utilized ingredients related to lamb. Singnyochanyo and Donguibogam were both used in Chosun, but some similarities with the Chinese literatures were discovered in terms of food cure since they were put together with their Chinese counterparts as references. Ingredients that were used commonly in two or more of the literatures were ginger, taoren, xingren, honey, pear, liyu, and pig lung. Conclusions : Some staple folk remedies that later becamce cultural cuisines included drinking the water from boiling pear and honey and boiling and eating pears with peppers stuck in them. The eating of ginger together with korean traditional taffy have taken its own form and became saenggang jeonggwa and pyeongang. The oriental food cure method has been continuing among the folk people in the form of traditional food with the food philosophy of edible homologous as its basis.



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