Fig. 1. Line plot showing the accuracy of imputation for each chromosome using Minimac3 & Beagle. X axis is chromosome number, Y axis is imputation accuracy.
Fig. 2. Bar plot showing the accuracy of imputation of 50 Hanwoo bulls that were genotyped from both whole genome sequence data and 777K SNP chip data. X axis is percentage of accuracy, Y axis is number of animals.
Fig. 3. Effect of chromosome size on imputation accuracy calculated through analyzing the correlation (R2) between chromosome size & accuracy of imputation. X axis is chromosome number, Y axis is R2.
Fig. 4. Effect of MAF (Minor Allele Frequency) on imputation accuracy calculated through analyzing the correlation (R2) between MAF & accuracy of imputation. X axis is MAF, Y axis is R2.
Table 1. Number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in 770K chip-seq and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Table 2. Accuracy (in %) of the imputed SNPs with Minimac3 & Beagle
Table 3. Chromosome wise average accuracy (in %) using Minimac3 & Beagle
Table 4. Chromosome wise time taken by Minimac3 for imputation
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