Chlorella vulgaris를 이용한 양돈폐수 내 영양염류 및 중금속 제거

Removal of Nutrients and Heavy Metals from Swine Wastewater using Chlorella vulgaris

  • 오은지 (충북대학교 환경생명화학과) ;
  • 황인성 (충청북도 동물위생연구소 축산물검사과) ;
  • 유진 (충북대학교 환경생명화학과) ;
  • 정근욱 (충북대학교 환경생명화학과)
  • Oh, Eun-Ji (Department of Environmental & Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Hwang, In-Sung ()Animal Products Inspection Division, Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Service) ;
  • Yoo, Jin (Department of Environmental & Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Chung, Keun-Yook (Department of Environmental & Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.08.01
  • 심사 : 2018.09.12
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


Bioremediation has been recognized as a suitable alternative to conventional methods of removing contaminants, and it uses fungi, bacteria and microalgae. In contrast to other organisms, microalgae are unique in that they have the ability to perform photosynthesis like plants and to utilize organic/inorganic carbon substrates, in a process called phytoremediation. Microalgae can populate a reaction site rapidly and enhance the bioremediation efficiency. In this study, Chlorella vulgaris was used to evaluate the removal potentials of the nutrients (N and P) and heavy metals (Cu and Zn) from swine wastewater. The optimum growth conditions for Chlorella vulgaris and the removal potentials of N, P, Cu, and Zn from synthetic wastewater using Chlorella vulgaris were investigated. Based on the results, the applicability of this microalga to on-site wastewater treatment was examined. Optimal growth conditions for Chlorella vulgaris were established to be $28^{\circ}C$, a pH of 7, and light and dark cycles of 14:10 h. As the concentrations of the nutrients were increased, the efficiencies of N and P removal efficiencies by Chlorella vulgaris were decreased in the single and binary mixed treatments of the nutrients, respectively. Further, the efficiencies of Cu and Zn removal also decreased as the heavy metals concentrations added were increased, both in the single and binary mixed treatments. In addition, the efficiency of Cu removal was higher than that of Zn removal. Our results indicate that Chlorella vulgaris could be used in treatment plants for the removal of nutrients and heavy metals from swine wastewater.



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