엎드린 교각운동 자세에서 견갑골 전인 운동 시 익상 유무에 따른 다리 들기 차이가 체간근의 근 활성도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Legs Difference on The Trunk Muscle Activities With and Without Winging Scapular During Scapular Protraction in Prone-Bridge Position

  • Kim, Hee-gon (Dept. of Physical Therapy, M&B Exercise Center) ;
  • Hwang, Byeong-jun (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kye-Lim Bodytype Correction Exercise Center) ;
  • Kim, Jong-woo (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Center, Park Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.27
  • 심사 : 2018.07.09
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leg lift difference on serratus and upper trapezius when exercising in a scapula in a prone position, a typical waist stabilization exercise for subjects with a winged scapula. Method: Twenty normal adults and 20 subjects with winged scapula participated in the experiment. The surface EMG recordings were obtained from external oblique muscle and internal oblique muscle during scapula protraction exercise. The presence or absence of winging of the shoulder bone was measured using an electronic digital caliper for the distance the medial border of the scapula is lifted to the rear. In prostrate pier movement posture in both groups, both legs supporting, dominant leg lifting, and non-dominant leg lifting including the scapula protraction were conducted respectively. Results: In the results of comparison between the two groups, the dominant external oblique muscle and the non-dominant internal oblique muscle tended to increase according to the difference of the leg lifting of normal people. In the winged scapula group, internal oblique muscle showed increased muscle activity more than external oblique muscle. Conclusion: It was most effective to exercise with lifting the same position leg for strengthening the same external oblique muscle, and the opposite internal oblique muscle. Also, it is effective to exercise in prone pier movement posture for trunk stability. In addition, internal oblique muscle shows increased muscle activity in subjects with winged scapula. Therefore, appropriate adjustment of external oblique muscle and internal oblique muscle may have a positive effect on scapula dysfunction for trunk stability.



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