Optimum Air-Gap Flux Distribution with Third Harmonic Rotor Flux Orientation Adjustment for Five-Phase Induction Motor

  • Kang, Min (College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Yu, Wenjuan (Central China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China) ;
  • Wang, Zhengyu (Hunan CRRC Times Electric Vehicle Co. LTD.) ;
  • Kong, Wubin (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Xiao, Ye (Hunan CRRC Times Electric Vehicle Co. LTD.)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.16
  • 심사 : 2017.10.20
  • 발행 : 2018.01.01


This paper investigates optimum air-gap flux distribution with third harmonic rotor flux orientation adjustment for five-phase induction motor. The technique of objective is to generate a nearly rectangular air-gap flux, and it improves iron utilization under variation loading conditions. The proportional relations between third harmonic and fundamental plane currents is usually adopted in the conventional method. However, misalignment between fundamental and third harmonic component occurs with variation loading. The iron of stator teeth is saturated due to this misalignment. This problem is solved by third harmonic rotor flux orientation adjustment simultaneously, and direction and amplitude are changed with mechanical load variation. The proposed method ensures that the air-gap flux density is near rectangular for a maximum value from no load to rated load. It is confirmed that the proposed method guarantees complete both planes decoupling with third harmonic flux orientation adjustment. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated experimentally.


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Fig. 1. Topology of five-phase IM drive

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Fig. 2. Sketch of stator winding distribution

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Fig. 3. Vectors relation between the rotor flux and air-gapflux

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Fig. 4. Waveforms of flux density distribution

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Fig. 5. Rotor flux orientation for fundamental and thirdharmonic plane

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Fig. 6. Air-gap flux distribution with different rotor fluxorientation

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Fig. 7. Block diagram of vector control for five-phaseinduction motor with third harmonic rotor fluxorientation adjustment

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Fig. 8. Simulation results for the proposal method underloading operation: (a) d1 current; (b) q1 current; (c)d3 current; (d) q3 current

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Fig. 9. Simulation results for EMF distribution underloading operation: (a) the conventional method; (b)the proposal method

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Fig. 10. The platform for the motor testing

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Fig. 11. Experimental results of load operation forconventional method: (a) stator current locus onthe d-q frame; (b) speed and torque

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Fig. 12. Experimental results for the conventional methodunder no-load: (a) stator current; (b) EMFdistribution

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Fig. 13. Experimental results for the conventional methodunder rated load: (a) stator current; (b) EMFdistribution

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Fig. 14. Experimental results of d-q current for theproposed method: (a) d1-q1 current; (b) d3-q3current; (c) rotor flux angle

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Fig. 15. Experimental results for the proposed methodunder no-load: (a) stator current; (b) EMFdistribution.

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Fig. 16. Experimental results for the proposed methodunder rated load: (a) stator current; (b) EMFdistribution

Table 1. Main dimensions of five-phase IM

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Table 2. Parameters of five-phase IM

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