과학 탐구 활동의 유형과 과학 탐구의 특징에 대한 초등학생의 인식

Elementary Students' Perception of the Science Inquiry Activities and Essential Features of Science Inquiry

  • 투고 : 2018.09.25
  • 심사 : 2018.11.27
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


This study investigated elementary students' perception of the suitability of inquiry activities related to the science inquiry, essential features of the inquiry and essential features of the inquiry by science inquiry activities. First, 5-6th grade elementary students' perception of the suitability of inquiry activities to the science inquiry was positive in this study and especially the score of experiment and field trip was high. The lowest score was on the discussion and elementary students thought that discussion might be wrong, because they just talked when they participated in the discussion. Second, perception of the essential features of science inquiry was positive. Especially, engaging students in evaluating their explanations in the light of alternative explanations was the highest. Students thought that explanation is important, but it is too hard to perform the science inquiry with only the explanation. Third, the score of research and experiment was high in essential features of science inquiry by science inquiry activities. The score of the field trip was low, so a more meaningful field trip should be carried out in the school.


Table 1. Questionnaire configuration

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Table 2. The domains of questionnaire and their Cronbach's α

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Table 4. The comparison of the essential features of science inquiry

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Table 6. The comparison of the suitability of inquiry activities to the science inquiry

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Table 5. The average of the suitability of inquiry activities to the science inquiry

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Table 7. The average of the essential features of science inquiry by science inquiry activities

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Table 8. The comparison of the essential features of science inquiry by science inquiry activities

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Table 9. The comparison of the suitability of inquiry activities to the science inquiry and the essential features of science inquiry by science inquiry activities

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Table 3. The average of the essential features of science inquiry

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피인용 문헌

  1. 과학 탐구 활동의 유형과 과학 탐구의 특징에 대한 초등 교사의 인식 vol.38, pp.2, 2018,
  2. 초등 5~6학년군 과학 교과서에 제시된 탐구 활동 유형 분석 vol.38, pp.4, 2019,
  3. 초등 과학영재학생들의 자유탐구 산출물 특성 분석 vol.39, pp.2, 2018,
  4. 과학 탐구 수업에서 초등학생들이 바라는 과학 교사의 모습에 대한 요인 분석 vol.40, pp.3, 2018,