The Effects of Applying Cooperative Making Problems and Solving Problems for Formative Assessment at Finish Stage of Class on Elementary Students' Science Academic Achievement and Scientific Attitude

과학교과에서 협동적 형성평가 문제 만들기 및 해결을 통한 학습 정리 활동이 초등학생의 학업성취도 및 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2018.08.17
  • Accepted : 2018.10.04
  • Published : 2018.11.30


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cooperative making problems and solving problems for formative assessment at finish stage on science academic achievement and scientific attitude. This study is conducted in 51 sixth-graders of two classes. The experimental group was provided with a teaching-learning course based on cooperative making problem and solving problem at finish stage. And the control group was provided with general classes based on the contents in teacher's guidebooks. The experiment was performed with the second and third units of the sixth grade, for about two month and obtained the following results: First, students prefer to make supply-type items than multiple choices. And by the Bloom's revised taxonomy of educational objectives, students prefer to make the problem types of 'Factual Knowledge' and 'Conceptual Knowledge'. Also students prefer to make the problem types of 'Understanding' and 'Applying'. Second, cooperative problem making and solving problems at finish stage has same effect on academic achievement in comparison to teacher-driven activity. Third, the experimental group made statistically significant difference in self-efficiency, contrary to the general science classes. Especially, it turned out that a meaningful effect was discovered to a cooperativity, openness. Finally, it turned out that many students thought cooperative making problem and solving problem at finish stage gave the help approving their cooperativity and openness at the investigation of awareness.


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Fig. 1. Procedure at the stage of the summary in the experimental group.

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Fig. 2. Examples of selection type question.

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Fig. 3. Examples of completion type question.

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Fig. 4. Examples of classification result by framework of classification system of Bloom’s new educational goal.

Table 1. Study participants

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Table 2. Framework of classification system of Bloom’s new educational goal (Lee & Jeong, 2014)

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Table 3. Classification result by type of whole question

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Table 4. Classification result by the selection type question

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Table 5. Classification result by the completion type question

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Table 6. Classification result by framework of classification system of Bloom’s new educational goal

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Table 7. Results of academic achievement test among groups

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Table 8. Pre-test results on academic achievement of the experimental group

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Table 9. Pre-post test results between groups on scientific attitudes

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Table 10. Pre-post test results of sub-elements of scientific attitudes between groups

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Table 11. Students’ perception for the cooperative making problems and solving problems activity

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