3D Reconstruction of Structure Fusion-Based on UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR

UAS 및 지상 LiDAR 융합기반 건축물의 3D 재현

  • 한승희 (공주대학교 공과대학 건설환경공학부 도시.교통공학전공) ;
  • 강준오 (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시건설공학과) ;
  • 오성종 (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시건설공학과) ;
  • 이용창 (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시공학과)
  • Received : 2018.11.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.30
  • Published : 2018.12.30


Digital Twin is a technology that creates a photocopy of real-world objects on a computer and analyzes the past and present operational status by fusing the structure, context, and operation of various physical systems with property information, and predicts the future society's countermeasures. In particular, 3D rendering technology (UAS, LiDAR, GNSS, etc.) is a core technology in digital twin. so, the research and application are actively performed in the industry in recent years. However, UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) have to be solved by compensating blind spot which is not reconstructed according to the object shape. In addition, the terrestrial LiDAR can acquire the point cloud of the object more precisely and quickly at a short distance, but a blind spot is generated at the upper part of the object, thereby imposing restrictions on the forward digital twin modeling. The UAS is capable of modeling a specific range of objects with high accuracy by using high resolution images at low altitudes, and has the advantage of generating a high density point group based on SfM (Structure-from-Motion) image analysis technology. However, It is relatively far from the target LiDAR than the terrestrial LiDAR, and it takes time to analyze the image. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the accuracy of the side part and compensate the blind spot. By re-optimizing it after fusion with UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR, the residual error of each modeling method was compensated and the mutual correction result was obtained. The accuracy of fusion-based 3D model is less than 1cm and it is expected to be useful for digital twin construction.


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Figure 1. Blind Spot of UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR

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Figure 2. Study Flow Chart

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Figure 3. Conjugate Condition

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Figure 4. Analysis of SfM Image by Close Range Photogrammetry

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Figure 5. Measuring Points Coordinates by a Laser Scanner

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Figure 6. Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner(Trimble SX10)

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Figure 7. UAV Platform Sensor (Phantom4 Pro)

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Figure 8. Network-RTK GNSS

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Figure 9. Ground Control Point(GCP) and Checkpoint on Daum Map (○ : GCP, □ : Checkpoint)

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Figure 10. Point Clouds Based on UAS

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Figure 11. Test Object and Terrestrial LiDAR Install Point on Daum Map

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Figure 12. Point Clouds Based on Terrestrial LiDAR

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Figure 13. 3D Model Based on UAS+LiDAR

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Figure 14. Blind Spot Real Photo

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Figure 15. UAS Blind Spot and Complemented Blind Spot in UAS+LiDAR

Table 1. Trimble SX10 Specification

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Table 2. Phantom4 Pro Specification

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Table 3. R8 GNSS Specification

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Table 4. GCP and Checkpoint

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Table 5. Checkpoint Accuracy Comparison in 3D Model Based on UAS

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Table 6. Checkpoint Accuracy Comparison in 3D Model Based on UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR

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Cited by

  1. UAS, CRP 및 지상 LiDAR 융합기반 와형석조여래불의 3차원 재현과 고증 연구 vol.51, pp.1, 2018,