Grant : 고신뢰성 다종 무인이동체 통신 및 보안SW기술 개발
Supported by : 정보통신기술진흥센터
- R.J. Kerczewski and J.H. Griner, "Control and Nonpayload Communications Links for Integrated Unmanned Aircraft Operations," NASA, GRC-E-DAA-TN5800, Mar. 2012.
- J.H. Griner, "Overview of Communication Portion of NASA's UAS in the NAS Project," Integr. Commun., Navigation Surveillance Conf., Herndon, VA, USA, Apr. 24-26, 2012.
- ITU, "Characteristics of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Spectrum Requirements to Support Their Safe Operation in Non-segregated Airspace," ITU-R M.2171, Dec. 2009.
- RTCA DO-362, "Command and Control(C2) Data Link Minimum Operational Performance Standards(MOPS) (Terrestrial)," Sept. 2016.
- EUROCAE, Accessed 2017.
- A. Munro, "RPAS Security - The Guidance Manual," Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems(RPAS) Symposium, Mar. 2015.
- RTCA, "Command and Control (C2) Da-ta Link White Paper," RTCA Paper No. 075-14/PMC-1201, Mar. 2014.