기업책임경영(RBC)의 국제입법동향과 정책적 시사점

International Legislative Trends on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) and its Implications on Policy

  • 안건형 (대전대학교 국제통상학과) ;
  • 조인호 (대한상사중재원 경영기획팀) ;
  • 권희환 (대한상사중재원 국제협력팀)
  • 투고 : 2017.07.05
  • 심사 : 2017.08.18
  • 발행 : 2017.08.31


As Multi-National Enterprises expanded their investments to foreign countries, numerous controversies and disputes arose from their negative impacts, such as violations of human rights and damage to the environment of the host countries. In response, International Organizations such as the OECD have considered various ways to prevent these negative impacts and search for more efficient dispute resolution methods. It is recognized that the OECD Guideline is one of the tools they created for this purpose. The OECD Guideline is contrastable from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives which are regarded as a corporation's charity activities apart from their core business functions. However, Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) like the OECD Guideline can be understood as a concept moving forward from CSR, due to its requirements that corporations carry out their duties in a responsible manner within the field of their core business, such as tax, global supply chain or consumer protection. RBC which is binding in nature, has even been implemented through legislation in developed countries such as the USA, France, Switzerland, and the UK. The discussion in Korea, however, has not reached that level. Discussions for legislation center singularly on CSR efforts, with a dialogue only recently forming around the topic of legislation concerning RBC. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) who lack certain financial and other resources to adequately develop RBC initiatives may find this more obstacles to implementation through legislated RBC, than if it were presented in Korea through other means. It's necessary to admit that RBC is a critical issue in international business. However, time is required to consider its application directly to SMEs.



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