Flexible Working Arrangements: A Case Study of IT-SMEs in Thailand

  • Tanlamai, Intara (Department of Strategy and Organisation, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.08
  • 심사 : 2017.09.12
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


This paper is part of the dissertation for an MSc in Project Management and Innovation of Strathclyde Business School The research aims at understanding how IT-SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Information Technology Business) implement and use Flexible Work Arrangements and Flexible Working Hours (FWH/FWA) in their organisations. In-depth interview data was collected from managers and business owners of 31 companies whose needs for Work-Life Balance varied. Results show that many factors positively influence IT-SMEs to use FWH/FWA. For example, customers and partners working at different work-hours, traffic congestions between home and office, and the general stereotype of IT personnel. However, the results also found several concerning factors that may hamper the success of FWH/FWA implementation. They include the inadequacy of management skills in tracking, monitoring, and assessing employee's real performance, contextual factors for Thai IT-SMEs, i.e. conflict resolution culture, IT people's protocol of communication exchanges, and shortcoming of technology infrastructure. The findings also show that many companies that had used FWA eventually stopped. Thus, a four-phase cyclical framework called PLIC (Purpose-Limitation-Implementation-Consequence) has been developed as an approach to FWH/FWA implementation.



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