국내산 방울토마토의 이화학적 특성

Physicochemical Properties of Domestic Cherry Tomato Varieties

  • 안준배 (서원대학교 호텔외식조리학과)
  • Ahn, Jun-Bae (Dept. of Food Service & Culinary Arts, Seowon University)
  • Received : 2017.09.17
  • Accepted : 2017.10.13
  • Published : 2017.10.30


This study was conducted to determine the nutritional value of domestic cherry tomato varieties (Summerking, Qutiquti, and Minichal). The levels of amino acids, amino acid derivatives, and ${\gamma}-aminobutyric-acid$ (GABA) were analyzed using ion chromatography. In domestic cherry tomatoes, eighteen free amino acids were found including L-glutamic acid (L-Glu), L-glutamine (L-Gln), and L-aspartic acid (L-Asp). L-Glu was the most abundant amino acid, ranging from 1,533.17 mg/100 g to 1,920.65 mg/100 g (dry weight). The next abundant amino acids were L-Gln, ranging from 784.68 mg/100 g to 1,164.36 mg/100 g and L-Asp, ranging from 320.73 mg/100 g to 387.22 mg/100 g. Domestic cherry tomatoes contained eight essential amino acids except tryptophan and the total essential amino acid content was 297.30~432.43 mg/100 g (dry weight), which was 8.92~10.61% of total free amino acid. Several amino acid derivatives were found: L-carnitine (L-Car), hydroxylysine (Hyl), o-phosphoethanolamine (o-Pea), phosphoserine (p-Ser), ${\beta}-alanine$ (${\beta}-Ala$), N-methyl-histidine (Me-His), ethanolamine ($EtNH_2$), and L-citrulline (L-Cit). L-Car, transporting long-chain fatty acid into mitocondrial matrix, was the most abundant amino acid derivative in all domestic cherry tomatoes. A high level of GABA (313.18~638.57 mg/100 g), known as a neurotransmitter, was also found in all three domestic cherry tomatoes. These results revealed that domestic cherry tomatoes have a good balance of nutrient and bioactive compounds. Therefore, cherry tomatoes can be used as a functional food material.



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Cited by

  1. 황색 방울토마토의 영양성분 및 생리활성 물질분석 vol.20, pp.2, 2017,