Tracing the breeding farm of domesticated pig using feature selection (Sus scrofa)

  • Kwon, Taehyung (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yoon, Joon (Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics Department of Natural Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Heo, Jaeyoung (International Agricultural Development and Cooperation Center, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Wonseok (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Heebal (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2017.07.28
  • Accepted : 2017.10.09
  • Published : 2017.11.01


Objective: Increasing food safety demands in the animal product market have created a need for a system to trace the food distribution process, from the manufacturer to the retailer, and genetic traceability is an effective method to trace the origin of animal products. In this study, we successfully achieved the farm tracing of 6,018 multi-breed pigs, using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers strictly selected through least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) feature selection. Methods: We performed farm tracing of domesticated pig (Sus scrofa) from SNP markers and selected the most relevant features for accurate prediction. Considering multi-breed composition of our data, we performed feature selection using LASSO penalization on 4,002 SNPs that are shared between breeds, which also includes 179 SNPs with small between-breed difference. The 100 highest-scored features were extracted from iterative simulations and then evaluated using machine-leaning based classifiers. Results: We selected 1,341 SNPs from over 45,000 SNPs through iterative LASSO feature selection, to minimize between-breed differences. We subsequently selected 100 highest-scored SNPs from iterative scoring, and observed high statistical measures in classification of breeding farms by cross-validation only using these SNPs. Conclusion: The study represents a successful application of LASSO feature selection on multi-breed pig SNP data to trace the farm information, which provides a valuable method and possibility for further researches on genetic traceability.



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