리튬 전지의 안전한 항공 운송을 위한 개선 방향 고찰

A Consideration on Improvement of Safe Lithium Battery Air Transportation

  • 조현명 (한국항공우주연구원 항공우주제품보증센터)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.14
  • 심사 : 2017.09.22
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


As PED(Personal Electronic Device) market has been rapidly grown, the demand on Lithium battery, which is most commonly used power source of PED, also has been increased. Dew to this trend, the amount of Lithium battery air transportation is also increasing. However, it should be treated very carefully because Lithium is one of very explosive metal. So ICAO, IATA and civil aviation agencies try to enhance the safety of Lithium battery air transportation by aircraft certification and operating regulations. To enhance in-flight safety, the aircraft for transporting Lithium battery should equip certified fire extinguishing system. But recent studies find that Halon, currently used extinguishing agent, is not effective on extinguishing Lithium battery fire. Besides, there is no certified Halon replacement for air use and no acceptable specific minimum performance standard(MPS) for Lithium battery fire. For this issue, a study on characteristics and establishing MPS of Lithium battery fire is needed for safe air transportation of Lithium battery.



  1. Hyunmyung Joe, "A Study on Air Transportation of Lithium Batteries", Aviation Development Vol.60 pp.127-143, 2012.
  2. Chemical Terms Dictionary Editing Committee, "Chemical Terms Dictionary", Il-jinsa, p.524, 2003.
  3. ICAO, "Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air",, 2011
  4. UN, "UN Recommendations on the Transport Dangerous Goods - Model Regulation", www.unece,org, 2015
  5. IATA, "Dangerous Goods Regulations",, 2017
  6. MOLIT, Order 2015-1086 "Korean Dangerous Goods Air Transportation Standards",, 2015
  7. MOLIT, Order 2016-1004 "Korean Airworthiness Standards",, 2016
  8. FAA, 14 CFR Part 25 §25.857,, 2016
  9. FAA, DOT/FAA/AR-10/31 "Fire Protection for the Shipment of Lithium Batteries in Aircraft Cargo Compartments",, 2010
  10. MOLIT, Order 2015-609, "Standards for Aircraft Technical Standard Order Authorization",, 2016
  11. NFPA, NFPA-484 "Standard for Combustible Metal",, 2015
  12. Gang-jun Lee, "A Study on How to harmonize Amended ICAO Annex 18 (Dangerous Goods Air Transportation) to Korean Regulation",, 2015
  13. FAA, "FAA Halon ARC Final Report", 2014
  14. ICAO, "Update on the Development of Halon Alternatives for Fire Suppression System", 2016
  15. Boeing, "Replacing Halon in Fire Protection Systems: a Progress report", 2011
  16. FAA, SAFO 16001 "Risks of Fire or Explosion when Transporting Lithium Ion or Lithium Metal Batteries as Cargo on Passenger and Cargo Aircraft",, 2016
  17. FAA, AC 25.851-1 "Built-in Fire Extinguishing /Suppression Systems in Class C and Class F Cargo Compartments",, 2016