금강하구역 환경 변화와 주민 갈등 요인

Environmental Change and Causes of Local Conflicts in the Geumgang Estuary

  • 투고 : 2016.12.05
  • 심사 : 2017.03.02
  • 발행 : 2017.03.30


After the artificial barrage was constructed in 1990s, the Geumgang estuary has been experiencing considerable changes in nature as well as in socioeconomic and culture in the vicinity villages. In order to understand how the change of estuarine environment bring about conflicts among the local communities, and resolve the conflicts, the research investigated the causes of the conflicts in the Geumgang estuary using in-depth and semi-structured interview method. 100 local people who have lived in the vicinity of Geumgang estuary for more than 30 years were selected for the interviews. Results of the research shows that local people's jobs determine the opinions about the estuary barrage and the way of estuarine management. Understanding environmental change and local conflicts helps to develop a sustainable and integrated estuary management system in the region.



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