국내외 지식경영연구의 주제어 프로파일링 및 동시출현분석을 통한 학문정체성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Academic Identity through the Profiling and Co-Word Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Knowledge Management Research

  • 투고 : 2017.06.13
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


This study is to compare the main subjects of domestic and foreign knowledge management research in terms of keywords and to clarify whether domestic knowledge management research reflects research trends in overseas knowledge management research. Specifically, we try to find out whether the central activities such as knowledge sharing, knowledge generation, and acquisition, which are knowledge management activities of knowledge management research, are being studied without bias. In order to analyze this, we analyzed the data of domestic and foreign knowledge management research for the last 5 years from 2012 to 2016. In Korea, the Knowledge Management Society of Korea collected 167 papers and 787 keywords, and collected 132 papers and 640 keywords from the Korea Society of Management Information Systems in order to distinguish the research areas. Overseas papers collected 315 papers and 1,746 keywords published by Emerald. Also, we collected 382 papers and 1,633 keywords in the Korean Management Review and collected 646 papers and 2,879 keywords in the Korean Business Education Review. Frequency analysis and network analysis of 1,642 papers and 7,685 keywords are summarized as follows. The Knowledge Management Society of Korea has focused on knowledge sharing, and in 2016, interest in knowledge transfer and knowledge search has shifted. The Journal of Knowledge Management, which is published by Emerald, has been a major concern for knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing. The research trends of the Korea Society of Management Information Systems to distinguish a clear identity of knowledge management research are focusing on smart area and mobile domain such as information security domain, cloud, smart phone, and smart work. In the Korea Society of Management Information Systems research, the main subject of knowledge sharing is also commonly found.



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