성수동 수제화 특화 거리 조성 사업의 현황조사 및 개선 방안 연구

Improving Open Distance-Specific Development Project in Seongsu Handmade Shoes Street

  • 투고 : 2017.07.18
  • 심사 : 2017.09.07
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


The Seongsu handmade shoes street consists of subsidiaries, leather shoe manufacturers, and shoe stores associated with the business as a domestic shoe business cluster. Since its development in the 1980s, the shoe industry has been a center of shoe manufacturing but since the 2000s, it has lacked a fully developed environment, a uniform distribution system, market-oriented brand, marketing and design, and also suffers from an aging workforce. Seoul officials and Seongsu-dong small business owners must overcome these difficulties through town enterprise development, brand creation and marketing co-promoting composition of the characterization and distance, but the situation is still insignificant. The purpose of this study is to determine the actual situation as targeted at small merchant handmade shoes Seongsu-dong Street, to determine the factors in the problem, and to propose substantial improvements for Seongsu handmade shoes street. This study was a survey of street sales outlets in Seongsu handmade shoes street in Seoul. The spatial extent of the study was to set up the scope by reference to the directions given through the Seongsu handmade shoes street site. To build infrastructure facilities and distribution systems for the betterment of handmade shoes Seongsu-dong street, it is important to gain a competitive edge through a specialized industry such as a marketing strategy to establish branding as a specialized company. Shoemakers should also seek their own activation measures in areas such as training professionals, universities and corporate projects for joint participation in the ongoing development of new content. To pioneer the domestic and international sales channels, it is important to broaden the sales infrastructure. These areas will ultimately enable a significant contribution to strengthening national competitiveness.



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