경영통제시스템의 이용 행태에 따른 지식경영 과정들의 활성화와 제조기업 혁신 : 혁신의 공개성

The Usage Patterns of MCSs, and the Activation of Knowledge Management Processes for Corporate Innovations : Innovation Openness

  • 투고 : 2017.06.10
  • 심사 : 2017.09.22
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


This study empirically examined the differences in degrees of product or process innovations according to the activation forms of all knowledge management (KM) processes (i.e., socialization, internalization, externalization, and combination), which are influenced by the usage patterns of management control systems (MCS)(i.e., interactive and diagnostic usage patterns). We empirically investigated and identified the links among usage patterns of MCS, the activation forms of KM processes, and the kinds of innovation promoted. Under high competitive conditions, it was found that the interactive usage of MCS is relatively more preferred and enhanced. However, when environmental uncertainty is high, it was shown that the diagnostic use of MCS is more emphasized. Thus, it is evident that the use patterns of MCS are determined by environmental conditions. From the results of this study, it was suggested that under high interactive use of MCS, the activation of socialization and internalization is more enhanced than the facilitation of externalization. It was also observed that when both interactive and diagnostic usage of MCS are high, KM processes are more activated and strengthened. The results indicated that under high activation of KM processes, product innovation as well as process innovation are more frequently occurred. Finally, the results of this study suggested that according to the levels of innovation openness, major innovations are more frequently occurred and promoted than minor innovations.



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