Kinetic Data for Texture Changes of Foods During Thermal Processing

  • Lee, Seung Hwan (School of Food Science and Industry, Kyungil University)
  • Received : 2017.10.25
  • Accepted : 2017.11.08
  • Published : 2017.11.30


To automate cooking processes, quantitative descriptions are needed on how quality parameters, such as texture change during heating. Understanding mechanical property changes in foods during thermal treatment due to changes in chemical composition or physical structure is important in the context of engineering models and in precise control of quality in general. Texture degradation of food materials has been studied widely and softening kinetic parameters have been reported in many studies. For a better understanding of kinetic parameters, applied kinetic models were investigated, then rate constants at $100^{\circ}C$ and activation energy from previous kinetic studies were compared. The food materials are hardly classified into similar softening kinetics. The range of parameters is wide regardless of food types due to the complexity of food material, different testing methods, sample size, and geometry. Kinetic parameters are essential for optimal process design. For broad and reliable applications, kinetic parameters should be generated by a more consistent manner so that those of foods could be compared or grouped.



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