As water sources become more vulnerable to the effects of climate change such as drought and contamination, the diversification of water sources is important for securing water supply. This study examines the properties of five water sources for public supply, including river and river-bed water, dams, reservoirs, and groundwater, while ensuring that the quantities available from such sources are stable and the water itself is safe for use. This study also analyzes the power, chemical, repair and maintenance, and labor costs associated with each water source. The results demonstrate that groundwater has high potential as a water source because it is readily available (about $12.89billion\;m^3/yr$), but only a small portion of it is currently used. Analyses indicated that groundwater is the most efficient source of water to meet water demand below $1,000,000m^3/yr$, which covers 62.5% of water supply facilicities. With the implementation of groundwater dams, groundwater can become cost-efficient even for larger water demand. Additionally, the water source protection areas are the smallest for groundwater among the five water sources. In conclusion, the use of groundwater as an alternative water source is feasible becasue it is readily available, safe, cost-efficient, and requires the lowest amount of environmental regulations for the diversification of water supply sources.