정신건강서비스 영역에서 아동청소년 기능평가척도의 활용에 관한 연구

Study on the Utilization of the Child-Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale in Mental Health Service

  • 투고 : 2016.12.03
  • 심사 : 2017.04.17
  • 발행 : 2017.10.01


Objectives: This study aims to supplement the limitations of the preliminary study and expand the use of the Child-Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale by providing standardized T-scores for measuring function in different areas, as well as guidelines for their interpretation. Methods: The Child-Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale and Korean-Child Behavior Checklist were administered to a total of 623 individuals, including 467 parents of emotionally and behaviorally disturbed elementary school students, 45 parents of emotionally and behaviorally disturbed middle school adolescents and 111 parents of elementary school students with developmental disorders, as well as to a control group consisting of 186 parents of mainstream elementary school children in the Seoul metropolitan area. Results: In contrast to the preliminary study, the emotional domain was disassociated into two factors, negative affect and emotion regulation, and the coefficient of determination for misconduct was increased significantly. Also, the overall reliability and validity of the Child-Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale were similar to those in the preliminary study, and the item structure was consistent. This study provides standardized T-scores of function in different areas based on the revised scale, and provides guidelines for their interpretation. Conclusion: The Child-Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale can assist the Child Global Assessment in Functioning in providing the information necessary for case management and treatment planning by comparing the impairment severity in each area of functioning, and also determining changes in behavior and function after treatment interventions. On the other hand, this scale has yet to clearly distinguish between rebellious behavior and misconduct. Further research is necessary to provide standards for more diverse age groups and for its utilization.



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