조선후기 천문학자 이덕성의 생애와 천문활동

  • Received : 2017.06.12
  • Accepted : 2017.08.07
  • Published : 2017.09.30


The life and astronomical activity of Lee Deok-Seong (李德星, 1720-1794) was studied using various historical sources, including the astronomical almanac, Seungjeongwon-Ilgi (Daily records of Royal Secretariat of Joseon dynasty), and the Gwansang-Gam's logbooks during Joseon dynasty (A.D. 1392-1910). We present the results of the study including the following main findings. First, from the investigation of Lee's family tree, we find that a number of his relatives were also astronomers, notably Samryeok-Gwan (三曆官, the post of calendrical calculation). Second, we find that he took part in the compilation of an annual astronomical almanac over a period of at least 16 years. His major achievements in the astronomy of the Joseon dynasty were to establish a new method of calendar-making calculation and to bring astronomical materials to the Joseon court through a visit to China. The Joseon dynasty enforced the Shixianli (時憲曆, a Chinese calendar made by Adam Shall) in 1654 without fully understanding the calendar. So an astronomer and an envoy were dispatched to China in order to master the intricacies of the calendar and to learn as much of Western science as was available in that time and place. Lee Deok-Seong worked at the Gwansang-Gam (觀象監, Royal Astronomical Bureau) during the reigns of King Yeongjo (英祖) and Jeongjo (正祖). As best as we can ascertain in relation with the calculations in the Shixian calendar, Lee visited China four times. During his trips and interactions, he learned a new method for calendar-making calculations, and introduced many Western-Chinese astronomical books to Joseon academia. Lee greatly improved the accuracy of calendrical calculations, even while simplifying the calculation process. With these achievements, he finally was promoted to the title of Sungrok-Daebu (崇祿大夫), the third highest grade of royal official. In conclusion, history demonstrates that Lee Deok-Seong was one of the most outstanding astronomers in the late-Joseon dynasty.



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