Many axial fans have circular arc blades with constant thickness. It is still a challenging task to calculate their performance, i.e. to predict how large their pressure rise and pressure losses are. For this task a need for cascade data exists. Therefore, the designer needs a method which works quickly for design purposes. In the present contribution a design method for such cascades consisting of circular arc blades with constant thickness is described. It is based on a singularity method which is combined with a CFD-data-based flow loss model. The flow loss model uses CFD-data to predict the total pressure losses. An interpolation method for the CFD-data are applied and described in detail. Data of measurements are used to validate the CFD-data and parameter variations are conducted. The parameter variations include the variation of the camber angle, pitch chord ratio and the Reynolds number. Additionally, flow patterns of two dimensional cascades consisting of circular arc blades with constant thickness are shown.